简介:1. 1989年开始在上海从事模具制造业务,主要服务于汽车工业;Since year 1989, started moulds and tools manufacture for Auto industry. 2. 1998年,在上海设计制造出蜗轮增压器壳体系列模具,帮助联信(霍尼韦尔)在中国成功开发涡轮增压器。In year 1998,Designed and manufactured series moulds for in Shanghai plant, Assisted AliedSignal (Honeywell) developed turbocharger business successful in China. 3. 2006年,应新伟祥邀请在天津建厂,取名“铸祥模具”——音意为帮助新伟祥 ; In accordance with the invitation from NWS, Tianjin plant was set up in year 2006 which was named “ZzoSan Mould”, sounds like “To help NWS” in Mandarin. 4. 10年来,铸祥模具供应新伟祥各类模具、芯盒和治具超过960个型号1200批次; In passed ten years, have supplied more than 1200 batches of series mould, core box and tools by 960+ category. 5. 2016年11月,铸祥模具和来特威合并,希望能为客户提供更多的产品和服务,不局限于模具制造。 Nov. 2016, ZzoSan Mould merged with LTW Tech, is planning to provide more products and service to customers in Auto industry, not only limited in mould.
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